mod_stat module

mod_stat.bin_data(ds, output_file, lon_out=numpy.arange, lat_out=numpy.arange, freq_out='1D', method_name=' ')

Aggregate gridded data to a larger bin grid and calculate statistics.

  • ds (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset containing gridded data to be binned.

  • output_file (str) – Filepath to save binned data to.

  • lon_out (array_like, optional) – Array of longitude values for the output grid, by default np.arange(0, 360, 1).

  • lat_out (array_like, optional) – Array of latitude values for the output grid, by default np.arange(-90, 90, 1).

  • freq_out (str, optional) – Time frequency for temporal aggregation, by default ‘1D’.

  • method_name (str, optional) – Name of the method used, by default ‘ ‘.

Return type:



This function aggregates gridded data to a larger bin grid and calculates statistics, including mean, variance, and root mean square error (RMSE), for different datasets and timeseries. The results are saved to a NetCDF file.


>>> data = xr.open_dataset("")
>>> output_file = ""
>>> bin_data(data, output_file)
mod_stat.bin_data_uv(ds, output_file, lon_out=numpy.arange, lat_out=numpy.arange, freq_out='1D', method_name='')

Bin and compute statistical measures for oceanographic current data.

  • ds (xarray.Dataset) – Input dataset containing oceanographic current data.

  • output_file (str) – Output file path for saving the results.

  • lon_out (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Longitudes for binning. Default is a range from 0 to 360 with step 1.

  • lat_out (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Latitudes for binning. Default is a range from -90 to 90 with step 1.

  • freq_out (str, optional) – Resampling frequency for time series data. Default is ‘1D’.

  • method_name (str, optional) – Name of the method used for computation. Default is an empty string.

Return type:


mod_stat.compute_stat_scores(ds_interp, lambda_min, lambda_max, output_file, method_name=' ')

Compute statistical scores for interpolation results.

  • ds_interp (xarray.Dataset) – Interpolated dataset containing ‘sla_interpolated’, ‘sla_unfiltered’, ‘lwe’, and ‘msla_interpolated’.

  • lambda_min (float) – Minimum wavelength for bandpass filter.

  • lambda_max (float) – Maximum wavelength for bandpass filter.

  • output_file (str) – Filepath to save computed statistics to.

  • method_name (str, optional) – Name of the method used, by default ‘ ‘.

Return type:



This function computes statistical scores for interpolation results, including mapping error, bandpass filtering, and binning statistics. The results are saved to a NetCDF file.


>>> interpolated_data = xr.open_dataset("")
>>> output_file = ""
>>> compute_stat_scores(interpolated_data, 10, 100, output_file)
mod_stat.compute_stat_scores_by_regimes(ds_interp, output_file)

Compute statistical scores by oceanic regimes.

  • ds_interp (xarray.Dataset) – Interpolated dataset containing ‘sla_interpolated’, ‘sla_unfiltered’, ‘lwe’, ‘msla_interpolated’, and ‘mask’.

  • output_file (str) – Filepath to save computed statistics by regimes to.

Return type:



This function computes statistical scores for interpolation results based on oceanic regimes. It masks the input data and calculates statistics for each regime separately. The results are saved to a NetCDF file.


>>> interpolated_data = xr.open_dataset("")
>>> output_file = ""
>>> compute_stat_scores_by_regimes(interpolated_data, output_file)
mod_stat.compute_stat_scores_uv(ds_interp, output_file, method_name='')

Compute mapping errors and statistical measures for oceanographic current data.

  • ds_interp (xarray.Dataset) – Interpolated oceanographic current dataset.

  • output_file (str) – Output file path for saving the results.

  • method_name (str, optional) – Name of the method used for computation. Default is an empty string.

Return type:


mod_stat.compute_stat_scores_uv_by_regimes(ds_interp, output_file)

Compute statistical scores for oceanographic current data based on different oceanic regimes.

  • ds_interp (xarray.Dataset) – Interpolated oceanographic current dataset.

  • output_file (str) – Output file path for saving the results.

Return type:
